One month later after Ruki pay d electric's bills 4 Uruha...
Uruha n Reita sit at d couch while watching d football premier league...d both of them watch d league wif ful of attention...pwiz dun disturb!! :D
"Yahooooo!!! Goal!! Yeah!!"Uruha n Reita excited n jumping around...owah! 1st goal 4 their fav footbal's team...wat team? heh~ secret! >.<
"I know he wil score man!" Reita yelling...wah! u can c his brightly smiling face...his both hands is on d air...waving d victory! miahahaha <3>
"yeahhh!! cheers!"Said Uruha n then put his beer's tin 2 Reita's beer tin 2getha...
"cheers!"d both of them drink 2 celebrate it...suddenly Aoi come out from sumwhere n take d remote control....then...
"Oi! dun change d channel Aoi-kun! we r watching footbal!" Reita get mad..but Aoi didnt care at all...But after 10 seconds, Aoi go 2 his room since there is no good muvies on d tv....lucky Uruha n Reita! d both of them continue their football maniac....
"hes goin 2 score again!" Uruha cant wait 4 it...Reita go 2 in front of d tv n hold it tight...Ah! its gonna b our 2nd victory!! he said....BUT!!
"wat? wat?! whose turn of d light??!! arghhhh!!" Reita n Uruha angrily yelling...Reita feel so annoy...uhmm...i think i know whose did it! kyaaaaaa~~~ then....*d readers heartbeats goin fast*
"Ruki! i know u r d one whose turn off d light ne?" Reita blame Ruki...Ruki speechless...who??
"no i didnt...cant u c im doin my blog here!"Ruki mad at Reita...uhh!
"oh gomenne Ruki-kun.." Reita get out from Ruki's room...then he rush 2 Kai who get ready 2 prepare a dinner...
"uh! i know its not u Kai-kun..."Said Reita n quickly run away from d kitchen...then he goin 2 Aoi's room...
"Ah! i know its u Aoi-kun! bcos u r jealous wif us earlier..."He accuse Aoi...Aoi stand up...n said no! he never do it...
"But who does????" Reita getting weird...uhmmm...*thinking*
"Rei-kun..."Uruha call from d guest room..Reita rush 2 rest room...
"nanni Uru-kun?"
"Uhm...wat is in ur foot?"
"huh!" Reita look down...n kyaaaaaaa~~ its a Tv's fuse! sooooo...
"its ur own fault Rei-kun! how can u blame us 4 ur sloppiness?!"Ruki,Kai n Aoi nag at him...Reita feel soooooo small now....nguahhahahaha!!
"Mommy!!" Reita run away...outside d houze...
"Rei-kun...Oi! give me d tv's fuse! i wanna watch football man!" Uruha yell..but...Reita is dissapear 2 nowhere...uhmmm...but he wil get bax when Kai call him 4 a dinner... xD xD
P/s : Give Me bax d tv's fuseeeee!!!!! *Uruha stil yelling from inside their home* nyahahaha!
MORAL OF D STORY : look at ur own feet if d tv is suddenly turn off! hahahahaha =D
.:-- dis is only a fanfic / jus 4 fun / didnt based on true story / enjoy it minna <3
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