Friday, April 24, 2009

The GazettE's Fanfic 5 : Oishi Desune?

"minna!" Kai yell from outside of d houze...uh??

"nanni Kai-kun?" Aoi goin outside n surprise a bit...owah!

"dare? kai-kun?" Aoi slowly whisper 2 Kai's ears..Kai smile...n...

"domo ^^ watashiwa Natsu des!" huh? whose? whose Natsu?? Uruha and Reita rush seems theres a girl...Reita smile brightly...oh my!

"she is our new ..." before kai wanna finish his sentence...

"kyaaaaa~~ gud! u know wat...i dun luv his cooks..." Reita suddenly whisper...Kai is speechless...nanni kure!!

"dont piss off.." Uruha quickly cool down Kai...miahahahahah!!! bad Reitaaaa XD

"uhm..where is d kitchen?" Natsu ask...Reita suddenly b a hero...gotta show d kitchen 2 her XD

"wat r u gonna cook 2nite?" Reita ask...Natsu look at him...

"i dunno..." Her answer successfully make Reita faint n coma 4 a 30 seconds XD

"hait..." Reita slowly reply...his eyes is full wif tears...Natsu didnt care even a bit...kyaaaaa~~!


"wahs! smell awesome!" Aoi smile! Kai proud...wel...his student...mwahahaa~!

"i cant wait!" say Reita...

Ruki come back home...n goin straight 2 d kitchen...uh!

"who r u!!"

"who am i??"

"do u a stalker?!"

"nanni?? wat stalker?" Uh! Natsu dun understand wat a stalker! ah~ shame on u! XD Ruki sigh...hes take his dictionary n....

"well...d stalker is sumone who luv 2 disturbing d others life...bla bla bla..."

"ow..." Natsu understand...

"hey! get out of my place now!!" Ruki continue his curiousity...

"nanni nanni..." Ask Kai...

"who is she?? wat is she doin in our place ha?" Ruki put his hands on his waist...

"anooo...she is my student..." Kai explain...Uh?! nande?

"uhm...pwiz continue wif ur cook ne...sayo!" Ruki run away! maybe he is embarass? kyyaaaa~~


"yah! minna!" Natsu yell from inside d kitchen...Aoi,Reita,Uruha n Kai running 2 d kitchen...wahhhh....

"where is Ruki-kun?" Uruha ask...

"im here...uhuh..."Ruki come but wil all blushes... kawaii!

"itadakimas!!" d hawt-ness guys eat...except Kai...y? uhmm...who knows...*evil*

"wat is taste...?" Natsu ask...but suddenly the 4 of them...stare at her...n smile...hardly...

"oishiii desneee...." Aoi smile but after dat cry...

"un..."Uruha say...only dat? he cant talk any longer...

"hait...ngeeeee...." Reita faint...

"Kai-kun...wat have u tought her?" Ruki whisper...Kai smile...

"oh...b4 dat...minnaa...." Kai start 2 give sum secret explaination...Reita wake up from his faint...nyaa!

"actualy...shes my student in..."

"ouh! actualy i was his skin-beauty-care student!" Natsu continue...wat?!

"n dat is not 2 b eaten actualy...dat is skin scrup...4 ur skin...not 4 ur food..." Kai's explanation quickly make his frenz fall of 2 d cold-floor....faintz! again XD

"eiii....oishi desune?" Natsu insinuate...wat d hell man!!!

P/s : i hate u kai-kun!.... Uru-chan say....nyaaa!!

MORAL OF DIS STORY : check 1st b4 u eat XD

(specialy made 4 my lil sista Natasha Amira @ Natsu_Ai! I luv u sis!!)

.:-- dis is only a fanfic / jus 4 fun / didnt based on true story / enjoy it minna <3

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